Friday, August 23, 2019

The Impact of New Media on the Design and Advertisement Industries Term Paper

The Impact of New Media on the Design and Advertisement Industries - Term Paper Example New media is a recent term that has come to be used in reference to the digital world more so with reference to computers in information and communication technology. It is a product of the twentieth century that saw its evolutionary roots from analog technology. It has characterized relations of this era by making globalization a popular topic. Trade between people and organizations in far geographical locations now takes place by just a touch of a button behind the comfort of one's personal computer via the internet. The incorporation of new media into the society inform of a globalized world tends to bring in threats into the moral social set up as indiscriminate receivership of information on the internet becomes difficult to control exposing people to different unethical practices. A research done by Millward Brown agency in the UK relayed information to prove that new media can give maximum impact to observers of its advertisements. Millward is a mobile phone marketing organization that took the first study to ascertain the significance of mobile phones in the advertisement. Advertisements were sent to mobile phone users in the UK and measure the impacts it had on the people who received them. The research came up with the findings that the branded advertisements effected 32% awareness of the people approached. It further indicated that 22% of the mobile phone users who received the advertisements were willing to buy the products should they go to the markets. The research measured these opinions from about 600 male consumers between the ages of 16 to 36 over a period of 5 weeks during the air of the advertisements. The study concluded that single advertisements strongly increase advertisement awareness and the probability of purchase. (Brown, 2008)Â  

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